Tips for DIY Light Fixtures
Great light fixtures don’t have to cost a lot of money either. Reusing and repurposing common materials into light fixtures can be a great way to save money on fixtures and create something unique for your home.
Read Article >Energy Efficient Household Products
Appliances, electronic devices, light bulbs, and other household products can consume a lot of energy. Everyday items that meet basic needs are some of the leading causes of high monthly energy bills and drivers of your home’s energy footprint. Reducing energy consumption helps reduce pollution and lower your bills, so think about how household devices…
Read Article >Modern Lighting for Your Home
There are many changes that can and should be made to your home, some of the most important coming from the lighting. This will influence every room of your house with the potential for better design and more attention to detail. Be aware of the lighting in your home and take the time to create…
Read Article >Unique Lighting for Office Spaces
Electric office lighting can seem so homogeneous at times. The same incandescent ceiling lights and boring fixtures hanging in the same way in every office space you enter. It seems as if there is some sort of standard office lighting package that comes along with every office. Of course, the lighting is usually installed in the building…
Read Article >Simple Electrical Problems You Can Fix Yourself
When it comes to fixing things in your home, most people would probably prefer to fix thing themselves than hire a professional. However, this can be dangerous at times, without the proper tools or know-how. With that being said, there are a few simple electrical problems that you can fix yourself. Here’s what they are…
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